About Us
Consumer economics has transformational consequences on how global industries put their growth strategies. Strategies of not only leaders but also startups over the past decade has strongly reflected that the growth is neither optional nor easy to achieve. We at Bekryl Market Analysts took up the challenge to help our clients scale their business by continuously developing critical strategy and understanding the market dynamics through competitor’s eye. That’s the very heart of our core values!
Bekryl firmly believes that agile transformation is the need for visionary organizations. To think like a startup and scale like a leader we at Bekryl draw opportunities for businesses. Bekryl perceives every challenge as budding opportunity to help business partners solve most critical issues and capitalize on market growth.
Our market research and competitive intelligence capabilities has led us to serve over 500 market leaders driven by disruptive technologies and unique business models. Bekryl Market Analysts partner with the client to define their growth strategy ranging from mergers and acquisitions based strategic decisions to finding market opportunity in niche sectors. Over the course of the time, we have built a team uniquely equipped to this task.
Give Wings to your Business: Explore our Reports and Services

The strategic expertise by Bekryl Team is unmatched. We make sure our client partner achieve higher operational efficiency post our consulting solutions.
Our market research reports include:
- Market Size
- Market Segmentation
- Market Dynamics
- Industry Drivers
- Industry Challenges
- Industry Trends
- Technological Advancement
- Investment Proposition Factor Analysis
- Pricing Analysis and Forecast
- Industry Experts views (KOL)
- Value Chain Analysis
- Consumer Perception Mapping
- Competition Landscape
- Company Market Share
- Key Company Developments
- Product Level Strategy
- Go-to-Market Strategy
- Financial Ratios
- Regulatory Compliances
To know more, How Bekryl turn data into breakthrough insights, contact analysts
We are reinventing market research strategy to put recommendations into practice
It’s exciting to tell our transformational journey from data driven based company to becoming market research based strategic firm in last few years. We bring together the best strategy consulting expertise to work closely with the client and drive operational improvement at every level of their organization.
In recent years, we closely worked industry giants and innovative startups to take smarter and sharper decisions that fuels their business growth.
What defines our client is they are equally passionate towards redefining business growth and look forward to a trusted partner to break status quo and challenge them to scale higher in business.
Irrespective of clients, we think rationally to understand the critical need and provide the right solutions. We seek questions that hinders the growth of clients and then dig deep into the market estimates to come up with the insights and data that defines the true potential of the market. To support our research process, we consistently keep updating our databases with latest economic and political news, further supported by advanced analytical tools.

We believe the global economy is driven by visionaries – people with a bold vision and strong determination to change the world by bringing innovations to life. Our vision is to help companies achieve their visions and become market leaders.
- Capturing detailed level data across all business verticals to help our client stay ahead with most accurate business predictions
- Leveraging thought leadership ideas with analytics to deliver the most actionable market insights to our partners (clients) – thereby helping them to stay affront of their peers.
- Strengthening research process by levering automation – thereby helping our partners (clients) stay affront of their peers.
- To grow and help over 1000 startups generate higher market revenue and extend business worldwide.
We believe in turning our client ambitions in real time achievable goals.